The Glamor Girl's Guide to Style & Sophistication -Domij Fashion Blog

Friday, January 1, 2010

Make Yourself Valuable

Hey Fashionista-
You are more than just a fashionable pretty face. You are Smart AND Beautiful! Make yourself valuable by being THE BEST in your field. Assess what your strengths are and build upon them. Try going back to school to sharpen your skills and if you can’t go back to school make goals to find a mentor or plan to intern at a company in a field you would like to go into. Be like Tyra she made herself valuable by expanding her reach into more than just modeling. She now empowers young women and has her own company Bankable Productions. Relying on just modeling was not an option.
Learn from this. Make yourself valuable to the people around you. Be a fast learner, be a super-contributor. Look for new ways to accelerate your learning. Making yourself valuable to others will boost your self-confidence, sense of pride and of course take your skill level to new highs. You only live once and you don’t want to be complacent or a mediocre person. Work hard to become invaluable to those around you and you won’t become useless.
Domij Goal for the Sophisticated Glamor Girl for the week: Think of ways to make yourself invaluable and start acting on them.

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