The Glamor Girl's Guide to Style & Sophistication -Domij Fashion Blog

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Self Acceptance...The Must Have "IT" Factor to Becoming a Fashion Goddess

The first step in being a Sophisticated Glamour girl and the fashion goddess you dream of is SELF-ACCEPTANCE. In an age of "Image is Everything" you must love YOUR IMAGE for who you are. Don't get me wrong, although there is nothing wrong with enhancements and adding to your beauty, however you must be careful to not allow the media, fashion magazines, opinions of those around you to cause you to second guess yourself of who you are. You are a smart, fierce beautiful fashionista who will change your world. Work hard to take a look at yourself and accept and work on the things that you want to change. Celebrate the beauty that currently lies within you. If you have a void within yourself, fill the void by thinking positive, believing in yourself, connecting to the Higher Power and pursuing and achieving your dreams. Short, Tall, Big, Small.... YOU ARE YOU AND YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
-Muah Luv Domij
Luv Fashion, Luv Poodle, Luv Domij

The Domij Girl, the sophisticated glamour girl...the only type of glamour girl!

The Lifestyle Fashion Collection Domij (dome-ee-jay) Style & Sophistication is all about living a life of high fashion, luxury fashion beauty and success. The Domij Girl is the ELITE glamor girl who is above it all. Luv Fashion,Luv Poodle, Luv Domij...

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